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The Figure Series

This work depicts figures illuminated in dark low lit interiors, onto which I  overylay charcoal onto vibrant colours, using acrylic paint. I first pencil out outlines and then capture the dark tones using charcoal. Form is created by a dip in paint technique of about 2, 3 or 4 colours of raw paint all at the same time and then brushed onto the canvas. Gold or bronze acrylic paint is used to highlight the highly illiminated glints of light and also give the painting a special texture. The painting colour composition changes when viewed under different lights or if the viewer changes their viewing position a little. Highlighting dancing light with colour and brushwork creates movement in the painting, and by encapsulating rebounding light from all around the room adds a three dimensional quality. I have outlined certain areas with charcoal pencil to define and 'bring them to life'. Rubbed out areas and reapplied paint add to the Renaissance and religious feel of the painting and is a comment on the desirability of relics and unearthed hidden treasures and their restoration.

2015 - 2016

Paris Dancelight Acrylic and charcoal on box framed canvas, 18" x 24" (A2) 2016

The Tango Split 24" x 30" acrylic paint, charcoal and oil on box framed canvas, 2016

Dining in Berlin  Acrylic and charcoal on box framed canvas, 25" x 20", 2016

Tango Split Acrylic and charcoal on box framed canvas,  24"  x 20" 2016

Tango in Paris  24" x 30" acrylic paint, charcoal and oil on box framed canvas, 2016

Shopping Crowd Acrylic and charcoal pencil on box framed canvas, 24" x 18" (A2) 2016

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